

              The First Quarter’s Business Analysis Meeting Was Held by Conch Venture
              Date:2014-05-27 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              To establish the task and aim of the first year after listed, company held many meetings of plan review at the end of last year. To examine the accomplishment of the first quarter’s plan and task, discuss the second quarter’s situation, company held the first quarter’s business analysis meeting on 18 April.

              The general manager Mr Ji presided the meeting, leaders such as Mr Guo Jinbing, Mr Ji Jian, Mr Li Daming and so on attended the meeting.

              The department of finance reported the accomplishment of plans of production, marketing and profit,and brought up some management advices on important issues in later preriod.

              In the first quarter, under the hard work of all the employees, company accomplished the aims of production, marketing and profit, and the new projects also accheived a big progress. From the beginning of the year, the waste heat power generation has been expanding into the overseas markets and other industries except cement, now there are 13 sets of projects under construction. Under the promotion of company, there are 6 sets of waste incineration projects under construction, 7 sets are in the middle of negotiation. The CCA board projects of Bozhou and Wuhu now are smoothly constructing, which will be put into production in September and December repectively.

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