

              The Delegation of Qiyang County Party Secretary From Hunan Province Investigated Company’s Waste Incineration Project
              Date:2014-05-27 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              On 10-11 April, the delegation of Qiyang county party secretary from Hunan province came to our company to investigate the waste incineration project. The general manager of Conch Venture Ji Qinying received them warmly.

              In the morning of 11 April, the delegation visited the Tongling Conch’s municipal waste incineration via cement kiln demonstration project which was constructed by our company,.

              After the visit, Mr Ji and the guests discussed about the treatment of dioxin and solid heavy metal, also the investment cost and operation mode of the waste incineration project in Qiyang county. They reached an consensus on promoting the project.

              During the discussion, Qiyang county party?secretary Wei expressed his faith on this project, he hoped that this project would be endorsed by Conch Venture to promote the sustainable development of Qiyang county.?

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