

              Conch Venture Was Invited to Attend the Meeting of German Passive House Technology
              Date:2014-05-27 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              In order to understand the policies of low carbon development and sustainable development, Conch Venture attended the 2014 national green building materials and German passive house technology meeting in Qin Huangdao, Hebei province on 22-25 April.

              During the meeting, experts from relevant industries and adminstrative organizations communicated with each other about passive house technology, green building materials and relevant policies. After the meeting, guests went to Qin Huangdao Wuxing real estate company to visit the demonstration project of passive house.

              In the meantime, China passive house industry alliance was founded in the meeting, which held the forums of new building materials and new technology and report meeting of popularization of passive house technology.

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