

              The Agreement of Municipal Garbage Treatment Project in Pingliang City Was Signed
              Date:2013-09-30 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)
              On the afternoon of Aug 29th, the signing ceremony of municipal garbage treatment via cement kiln project agreement was held in Pingliang, which marked the project formally settling in Pingliang after two years’ negotiation.
              In 2009, Pingliang conch’s new dry cement production line project finished constructing and put into production with all the efforts from the city and local government under high-efficient and sincere work condition after one year’s hard work. It improved the development environment in Pingliang. Based on this kind of circumstances, Conch group made a serious decision that it would invest 80 million rmb to build a set of 300t/d capacity municipal garbage treatment system and auxiliary facilities by using company’s new dry cement production line. The construction of this project will become a significant chapter of the people’s livelihood projects in Pingliang.

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