

              The Signing of Cooperation Framework Agreement about Municipal Waste Power Generation Project
              Date:2013-09-30 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)
              On the morning of Sept. 5th 2013, people’s government of Jinzhai county and Wuhu conch venture industry company limited (“Wuhu conch veture”) officially signed “Cooperation Framework Agreement about Jinzhai County’s Municipal Waste Power Generation Project” in Jinzhai government office building.  
               It is said in the agreement that Wuhu conch venture will build two sets of garbage power generation (each of them is able to deal with 300 tons garbage per day)with relevant auxiliary facilities by two stages. Wuhu conch venture is responsible for  registration, management and operation of objective company. Jinzhai government is responsible for collection, transfer, transport of garbage and giving privileges to the company. 
              The signing of the agreement is another action that reflects the concern to people’s livelihood construction , environment improvement from Jinzhai government. Meanwhile it is the reflection of Wuhu conch venture’s support to the old revolutionary base area’s construction and the response of the nation’s call.

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