

              The Signing of Cooperation Agreement about Municipal Waste Incineration Project in Xing’an County, Guangxi Province
              Date:2017-02-10 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              Recently, “ The Cooperation Agreement about Municipal Waste Incineration via Cement Kiln Project” was officially signed between the government in Xing’an County and Conch venture. The total capacity of this project is 300t/d. We will try to complete the whole construction work and put into operation within a year.


              The general manager of Conch venture Mr Ji Qinying showed his gratitude to the long-term support from the government of Xing’an County and introduced the technoloy of municipal waste incineration via cement kiln and hoped that the two parties could maintain their good relationship and work together to settle environmental assessment and feasible research and other problems to push the project to start constructing as soon as possible.


              The mayor affirmed the contribution to the economy development in Xing’an County which Conch Group has made. He requested the relevant departments in Xing’an County to provide good service to support this project.


              Before the signing, Mr Ji led the relevant staff to investigate the project site.

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