

              Solid Waste Treatment Project in Qianyang County, Shaanxi Province Was Signed
              Date:2017-02-10 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              On 5 January 2017, “The Cooperation Agreement about Solid Waste Treatment by Cement Kiln Project” was officially signed between Conch Venture and the government of Qianyang County. The total capacity of this project is 300 t/d.


              Mr Guo Jingbin, the chairman of Conch Venture, showed his gratitude to the long-term support from the government of Qianyang County and briefly introduced the current sitiation of Conch Venture’s businesses and technoloy addvantages and communicated with each important department from the government of Qianyang County in terms of solid waste treatment project.


              The mayor introduced the economy sitiation in Qianyang County, he believed that the technology from Conch Venture is superior to the tranditional approaches and he hoped the two parties could continue to explore more cooperations in other fields.

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