

              The commencement ceremony of Luxi Haichuang grate furnace domestic waste incineration power generation project was held
              Date:2019-11-18 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

                  At 10:58 on November 15, 2019, the foundation laying ceremony of Luxi MSW incineration power generation project was held. Wang Jialin, Secretary of Luxi County Party committee, together with the four major teams of Luxi County, the committees of all bureaus of Luxi County, the township teams of Luxi County, Zhang Junjie, general manager of Luxi Haichuang, led Yanshan Haichuang, members of Luxi Haichuang team and representatives of all participating units attended the foundation ceremony. The foundation laying ceremony was presided over by Mo Wei, the county magistrate of Luxi County. 



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