

              Conch Ventures and Bank of China sign memorandum of financial cooperation
              Date:2019-08-08 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)


              On August 1, Bank of China held the launch conference of the banking industry's first integrated Yangtze River Delta financial service program in Shanghai. Guo Jingbin, Chairman of Conch Ventures, was invited to attend the meeting and signed a memorandum. 





              According to the plan, in the next five years, Bank of China will invest an additional 100 billion yuan in credit resources in the Yangtze River Delta region to meet the multi-level financial needs of governments, enterprises, financial institutions and residents.


              As a leading company in the environmental protection industry, Conch Ventures has aDual-enginefor cement kilns to co-process industrial solid waste and hazardous waste project and grate furnaces  waste incineration power generation, which has strong development momentum and promising future development prospects. The in-depth cooperation between Conch Ventures and Bank of China indicates that the two sides will further establish a new type of strategic cooperation platform with comprehensive and multi-level cooperation, strengthen the cooperation in environmental protection.

              Before the meeting, Chairman Guo Jingbin also exchanged views with the leaders of Bank of China Liu Lianhuan and Lin Jingzhen on the development of the industry.

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