

              Wang Gang, Secretary General of the Integrated Board Branch of China Thermal Insulation and Energy Conservation Materials Association, visited Anhui Haixin Materials Co., Ltd.
              Date:2019-06-11 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)


              On June 4, 2019, Wang Gang and Deputy Secretary-General Wang Lin, Secretary General of the Integrated Board Branch of China Thermal Insulation and Energy-Saving Materials Association, visited Anhui Haixin Materials Co., Ltd. and Li Jian, Deputy General Manager of Conch Venture, led the team members of Anhui Haixin Materials Received Secretary General Wang and his party.




              The two parties held talks in the conference room on the first floor of the company, and conducted in-depth exchanges on the development direction of the industry that everyone cares about, the market outlook of fiber cement boards for integrated boards, and the newly issued "Technical Standards for External Thermal Insulation" in 2019.





              As an upstream substrate supplier in the integrated board industry, Conch Board attaches great importance to the healthy development of the integrated board industry. In the future, the company will continue to increase investment in technological innovation, continuously improve material production, and make greater contributions to the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

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