

              The Stratigic Cooperation Agreement Was Signed Between Conch Venture And ENN Energy
              Date:2016-07-12 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              On 5 July 2016, the delegation of ENN Energy Holdings Ltd visited Conch Venture.

              Chairman Guo Jingbin met with the delegation in Conch International Conference Center. The two parties deeply discussed about the energy service project and reached an agreement, then sucessfully signed the stratigic cooperation agreement.



              The EEN Energy?started to engage in city pipeline gas business since 1992, it has sucessfully established the energy distribution sales system which consists of main products, the clean energy such as natural gas, terminal clients, the users from city, garden, public construction, transportation, industies and commerces, main business fields such as city gas, garden energy, transportation energy and distributed energy. It has customized integrated solutions of clean energy. So far, the EEN Energy is the biggest distributor of clean enegy in domestic market.


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