

              ACK Successfully Opened Indian Market
              Date:2014-04-21 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              Recently, Anhui Conch Kawasaki Engineering Co.,Ltd(in short of “ACK”),which subordinated to Conch Group successfully signed Indian Siddhi?Vinayak?Cement?Pvt.?Ltd.(in short of “SVCPL”)1*5000t/d clinker production line Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation Project contract for BTG supplement and technical supervisor package. The Project is the first Contract in Indian WHR market for ACK, after Thailand, Pakistan, Vietnam, Turkey, Myanmar and other countries.


              Indian SVCPL plant is located in Pali, Rajasthan, 500 kilometers from New Delhi.ACK cooperated with a local company to provide complete EPC service for this Project. The whole project is supposed to be in operation from April, 2015.

              India is the second biggest cement producer in the world, due to the long time electricity shortage, Indian government promulgated Energy Saving and Consumption Reducing decree, which stimulated many cement plants to consider installation WHR projects. ACK will accumulate the experience in SVCPL Project execution and act more actively to promote Indian market.


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