

              Company Was Invited by Guoyuan Securities to Attend the Environmental-Protection Industry Investment Strategy Meeting
              Date:2014-04-21 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              In early March, to respond the invitation from Guoyuan(Hong Kong) Securities, the general manager of Conch Venture Ji Qinying, company secretary Shu Mao and deputy director of financial department Chen Xingqiang attended the environmental-protection investment strategy meeting which was held in Shanghai. About 50 institutional investors and individuals attended the meeting.

              At the meeting, Mr Ji made a presentation of company’s business from three parts, namely energy-preservation, environmental-protection and new type of building materials.

              Investors present deeply communicated with Mr Ji regarding the future development of new type of building materials and the promotion of waste incineration projects.

              People all showed a strong interest in Conch Venture’s advanced waste incineration technology, and praised company’s works on accomplishing those commitments made in the propectus and? developing the new type of building materials projects.

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