

              Summarize 2020 and look forward to 2021
              Date:2021-01-27 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

                      For more than seven years, Conch Venture has focused on the four major business sectors of "solid waste disposal, garbage disposal, new building materials, and port logistics", deepening internal skills and external training.Using professional innovation to shape the industry model, and forge ahead to achieve breakthroughs in butterfly changes, showing the brand new vision that Conch Venture brings to China's environmental protection industry.

              Steady operation empowers battery life

                      Looking back on 2020, under the severe domestic and international epidemic prevention and control situation and the complex and volatile international economic environment, Conch Venture closely follows the five-year development plan for 2019-2023, focuses on the "two-wheel drive" of the environmental protection industry, and actively assumes social responsibility , and worked together to fight the epidemic, achieved rapid growth in the environmental protection industry, achieved good operating results, and ushered in the company's total market value to hit a new record high, which has won widespread attention and recognition from all sectors of society.


              Working together to fight the epidemic, Conch Venture is in action!


              Conch Venture successfully signed the Hebei Fengning Domestic Waste Incineration Power Generation Project


              Wuhu Environmental Protection Water Washing Fly Ash Project was officially completed


              New high! The total market value of Conch Ventures exceeds the HK$73 billion mark!

                      In 2020, the company has newly signed 42 environmental protection projects, exceeding the annual project development tasks. After the completion of the planned project, the annual disposal capacity of 13.82 million tons of domestic waste and 8.38 million tons of industrial solid and hazardous waste will be achieved.


              Industrial Solid Hazardous Waste Disposal Project-Yangchun Environmental Protection


              Domestic waste incineration power generation project-Baoshan Environmental Protection

              Do not forget the original intention and move forward

                      In 2002, Anhui Conch Venture Capital Co., Ltd., the predecessor of China Conch Venture Holdings Co., Ltd., was born as Conch Group responded to the call for mixed ownership reform and became an employee-owned company, starting a new development path.


              On December 19, 2013, Conch Venture successfully went public

                      In 2013, Conch Venture successfully went public in Hong Kong, marking that Conch Venture became the first company in Anhui Province to be listed on Hong Kong's red-chip stocks, and it has written a strong mark in the history of Conch's glorious development.

                      The years from 2014 to 2017 have been four years of tortuous exploration for Conch Venture. In its first year of listing, the company successfully expanded multiple waste treatment projects such as Jinzhai, Pingliang, Shimen, and Shuangfeng.In order to further expand the scope of environmental protection technology services, Conch Venture succeeded in increasing its capital and holding Xi'an Yaobai Environmental Protection Company, and wholly invested in the first solid waste hazardous waste project-Wuhu Environmental Protection. So far, the two-wheel drive pattern of the two core technologies of grate furnace domestic waste incineration power generation and solid waste and hazardous waste disposal has basically taken shape.


              Industrial Solid Hazardous Waste Disposal Project-Wenshan Environmental Protection


              Domestic waste incineration power generation project-Bole Environment

                      The high-quality and rapid development of Conch Venture stems from the tireless pursuit of the environmental protection industry. With its strong performance growth and forward-looking strategic layout, Conch Venture has received widespread attention and recognition from investors, the public and all sectors of society, and ushered in time and time again.


              Won the "2019 Leading Enterprise in China's Strategic Emerging Environmental Protection Industry"


              Conch Venture remains on the third "New Fortune Best IR Hong Kong Stock Company" list



              Conch Venture Ranked 70th in Hong Kong Stocks' "Top 100 Comprehensive Strength"

              New starting point, new journey

                      Every year is a node and a starting point. In order to continue to start the next new journey of  Conch Venture with firm steps and beliefs,  Conch Venture 2021 Work Conference will officially kick off on January 29, 2021!Conch Venture is really committed to the ecological environment business, bringing not only high-quality environmental service technology, but also a responsible attitude.

              Live up to expectations, the future can be expected

                      In the future, Conch Venture will continue to uphold the spirit of exploration and enterprising, implement new development concepts in the new development stage, show new deeds in building a new development pattern, and seek a good chapter, make a good start, and start well for the "14th Five-Year Plan". Practicing the original aspiration and mission of environmental protection with hard work and responsibility, writing the magnificent poem of the new era in the continuous struggle, and moving forward courageously towards the ultimate goal of making the enterprise bigger and stronger, giving back to shareholders and the society!

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