

              Conch Venture Wuhu Environmental Protection Water Washing Fly Ash Project was officially completed
              Date:2020-12-17 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

                      On the afternoon of December 16, 2020, Guo Jingbin, Chairman of Conch Venture, Xiang Jihui, Secretary of Fanchang District Committee, Li Qunfeng, Deputy General Manager of Conch Cement, Zhu Famu, Director of Wuhu City Administration Bureau, Li Jian, Han Jiwu, Shu Mao and Zhang Keke Witnessed that the Wuhu Environmental Protection water-washed fly ash project was officially completed, marking Conch Venture’s first use of cement kiln to co-process the water-washed fly ash project into the trial production stage.


                      At the completion ceremony, Zou Pengfei, East China Regional Director of Conch Venture Solid Waste Section, and Li Zhongfeng, General Manager of Beijing Zhongke Guorun Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. delivered speeches respectively. 


              Zou Pengfei, Regional Director of East China of Conch Venture Solid Waste Sector, delivered a speech


              Speech by Li Zhongfeng, General Manager of Beijing Zhongke Guorun

                      At 16:18 pm, Zhang Keke, assistant general manager of Conch Venture and general manager of Wuhu Environmental Protection, announced that the Wuhu fly ash washing project was officially completed and put into production. Guo Jingbin, Xiang Jihui, Li Qunfeng, Zhu Famu, and Zhu Jun jointly pressed the start ball to strengthen confidence and gather strength for the development of the washing fly ash project!


              Common press to start the ball

                      The Wuhu Cement Kiln Co-processing Fly Ash Project invested and built by Wuhu Environmental Protection Company is one of the key projects to implement the strategic cooperation agreement signed by the Wuhu Municipal People's Government and Conch Ventures on August 8, 2019.


                      Leaders of Conch Venture Department, Anhui Environmental Protection, Wuhu Conch, Oasis Environmental Protection, CLP Environmental Protection, Zhongke Guorun and other company leaders and employee representatives also participated in the completion ceremony.


              Guo Jingbin investigates the commissioning of washed fly ash and preparation for trial production

                      Before the completion ceremony, Guo Jingbin went deep into the washing fly ash production workshop to investigate project commissioning and trial production preparations.

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