

              Li Wei, Director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guizhou Province, and his entourage visited Conch Venture
              Date:2020-11-18 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

                      On the morning of November 17, 2020, Li Wei, Director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guizhou Province, and his entourage visited Guiyang Environmental Protection for a visit. Fu Tao, Secretary of the Qingzhen Municipal Party Committee and other leaders accompanied the investigation.Yu Yongjiao, general manager of Guiyang Environmental Protection, and his leadership team warmly received the investigation team and extended a warm welcome to the investigation team.


                      The research team visited the exhibition hall on the first floor, the central control operation room, and the laboratory. Yu Yongjiao introduced the development history, business segments, project distribution and other related situations of Conch Venture in detail to Li Wei and his party.During the period, Li Wei focused on inquiring about the technical advantages and characteristics of the Guiyang cement kiln co-processing solid and hazardous waste project, and learned in detail about advanced cement kiln co-processing solid and hazardous waste technology and operation management mode of Guiyang Environmental Protection.


                      After the inspection, the research team expressed gratitude to Guiyang Environmental Protection for its warm reception and affirmed its contribution to the construction of Guizhou's ecological civilization.He hopes that Guiyang Environmental Protection will continue to strictly implement environmental protection measures, bravely assume social responsibilities, and help Guiyang achieve green and sustainable development, and contribute to the protection of the blue sea and blue sky of Guiyang.


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