

              The Vice Governor of Anhui Province Inspected the Project Constructing Scene in Bozhou
              Date:2014-01-19 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              In the morning of Jan.15th, 2014, the vice governor of Anhui province, Fang Chunming and his delegation inspected the CCA project constructing scene in Bozhou with the company of the mayor of Bozhou city,Shen Qiang and other leaders from Bowu modern industry area management committee.

              The general manager of Bozhou Conch Venture New Energy-saving Building Materials Company, Li Jian introduced the basic information of company, new building materials projects scale and process of CCA project to the vice governor and his delegation. After hearing from Li Jian, the vice governor fully affirmed the new building materials project of Conch Venture, he believed the project meets the national industry policies, should be supported by local government. In the meantime, since the project has begun in October last year, it proceeds very fast, this the Conch Venture’s consistent work style, he hoped that Bozhou company could develop this style and spirit, and accomplish the construction as early as possible.

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