

              Waste Incineration Power Generation Project?in Suiyang county,Guizhou Province Was Signed
              Date:2019-08-23 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              On August 22, 2019, Conch Venture and the People's Government of Suiyang County successfully signed the waste incineration power generation project with a planned capacity of 400 tons/day.

                  The signing ceremony was held in the first conference room on the third floor of Suiyang County Service Center.  Liu Zhaowu, Suiyang County Party Committee Deputy Secretary and County Mayor; Zhao Fei, Executive Deputy County Mayor; Ji Qinying, General Manager of Conch Venture, Han Jiwu and Wang Junxian attended and witnessed the signing of the contract. Suiyang County other relevant departments attended the signing ceremony.

                  Ji Qinying, General Manager of Conch Venture, and Zhao Fei, Executive Deputy Magistrate of Suiyang County, signed the contract on behalf of both parties.





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