

              Waste Incineration Power Generation Project?in Shimen,Hunan Province Was signed
              Date:2019-06-19 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

                   On June 18, 2019, Conch Venture and the Shimen County Government of Hunan Province signed the waste incineration power generation project with a planned capacity of 500 tons/day. This project is the third waste incineration power generation project invested by Conch Ventures in  Hunan Province after Li County and Hanshou.

              The signing ceremony was held at Yaoye International Hotel in Shimen County. Ji Qinying, General Manager of Conch Venture, and Guo Bixun, Deputy Secretary of Shimen County Party Committee and County Magistrate, signed the investment agreement on behalf of both parties. Tan Benzhong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Changde City and other county leaders and heads of county agencies; Zhang Bangzhi, Wang Kechun and Chen Yuanzhi attended and witnessed the signing ceremony.




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