

              Waste Incineration Power Generation Project in Tengchong,Yunnan Province Was Signed
              Date:2019-03-25 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              On March 18, 2019, Conch Venture and the Tengchong city government successfully signed the waste incineration power generation project with a planned capacity of 600 tons/day, which will be constructed in two phases with a phase 1 of 300 tons/day. This project is the sixth waste incineration power generation project invested and constructed in Yunnan Province by the company following Laoshan, Songming, Baoshan, Zhenxiong and Mang city.

              The signing ceremony was held in the conference hall of the Tengchong Municipal People's Government. Zhao Biyuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Baoshan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Tengchong Municipal Party Committee, Wang Jiaxiang, Deputy Director of the Municipal People's Congress, Gao Yong, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal People's Government, Guo Qin, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, and Municipal Development and Reform Bureau and Industry and Information Technology Bureau Heads of units such as, Natural Resources Bureau, Housing and Construction Bureau, Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, Investment Promotion Bureau, Ecological Environment Bureau, Gudong Township and other units attended and witnessed the signing of the contract; Ji Qinying, General Manager of Conch Ventures, Wang Junxian, Zhang Bangzhi, Liu Qingsheng and General Manager of Dehong Haichuang Zhang Junjie attended the signing ceremony. Ji Qinying, General Manager of Conch Venture, and Gao Yong, Deputy Mayor of Tengchong Municipal People's Government signed the contract on behalf of both parties.




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