

              Solid Waste Treatment Project Was Signed in Huaibei
              Date:2016-07-12 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              On 16?March?2016, “The Cooperation Agreement about Solid Waste Treatment by Cement Kiln?Project in Huaibei” was officially signed among three parties, namely Conch Venture, the government of Huaibei and Huaihai Industrial Company Limited.




              According to the agreement, this project will be invested by Conch Venture and be located in a cement plan which is owned by Huaihai Industrial Company Limited. This project will proceed in two phase with designed capacity of 300t per day, and at first stage, the capacity will only be 200t/d. Conch Venture will register a company in Huaibei to manage and operate the project, while the government of Huaibei City will be in charge of collection, transfer and transportation of the waste and also will provide the subsidy to support the treatment

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