

              The Signing of Cooperation Agreement about Municipal Waste Incineration Project in Shimen, Hunan Province
              Date:2014-12-09 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              In the afternoon of 2 July 2014, “ The Cooperation Agreement about Municipal Waste Incineration Project in Shimen” was officially signed by the government in Shimen, Wuhu Conch Investment Co. Ltd. and Shimen Conch Cement Co. Ltd.

              Before the signing, the secretary of the people’s government in Shimen Ms Dong Lan met the general manager of Conch venture Mr Ji Qinying and his delegation.

              The mayor of Shimen Mr Guo Bixun first introducted the economic situation of Shimen and showed his gratitute to the investment of Conch venture.

              Mr Ji Qinying said that Conch venture has already signed 15 project agreements by now in almost 10 provinces. The technology of municipal waste incineration via cement kiln is advance which meets the requirement of developing recycling economy. He hoped that the government would support the Company to accomplish the construction as soon as possible.

              Ms Dong Lan expressed that the government would provide the best service to acceleration the project to solve the trash problem in Shimen.

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