

              Conch Venture Successfully Signed Jilin Songyuan Hazardous Waste Comprehensive Utilization and Disposal Project
              Date:2020-05-25 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

                      On May 23, 2020, Conch Venture successfully signed an agreement with Jilin Songyuan hazardous waste comprehensive utilization and disposal project in the form of online video with the Petrochemical Park of Songyuan City, Jilin Province.The planned annual disposal scale is 270,000 tons, of which 200,000 tons of oil sludge will be disposed of in the first phase of construction, and a 200 tons/day hazardous waste incineration and disposal production line will be constructed in the second phase.

                      Company leaders Li Daming and Zhang Keke, Zou Pengfei, Regional Director of East China for Solid Waste Disposal; Song Yaowei, Vice Mayor of Songyuan City, and Guo Mingze, Deputy Secretary General attended the signing of the contract.


                      Zhang Keke, assistant general manager of Conch Venture, and Wang Jiayong, deputy director of Songyuan Petrochemical Park Management Committee, signed the contract on behalf of both parties.


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