

              Conch Venture successfully signed a contract for domestic waste incineration power generation project in Binzhou City, Shaanxi Province
              Date:2020-01-22 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

                     On January 14, 2020, conch venture and the people's Government of Binzhou City, Shaanxi Province successfully signed the investment agreement of Binzhou domestic waste incineration power generation project and the franchise contract of Binzhou domestic waste incineration power generation BOT project. The planned processing scale of the project is 2 × 300 tons / day, which is implemented in two phases. It is the fourth waste incineration power generation project invested and constructed by conch venture in Shaanxi Province.


                      The signing ceremony was held in the conference room of Binzhou Municipal People's government. Feng Yongsheng, vice mayor of Binzhou City, and heads of relevant units such as urban administration and Law Enforcement Bureau, ecological environment bureau, development and Reform Bureau, natural resources bureau, housing and construction bureau attended and witnessed the signing ceremony; Ji Qinying, general manager of conch entrepreneurship, Zhang Bangzhi, Minister of safety and environmental protection, Wang kechun, chief engineer of conch Design Institute, Wang Jianli, general manager of Yaobai environmental protection, attended the signing ceremony.

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