

              Solid Waste Treatment Project and Waste Incineration Power Generation Project? in Baoshan,Yunnan Province Was Signed
              Date:2018-07-26 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

              On July 25, 2018, Conch Venture and the Government of Longshan District, Baoshan City, Yunnan province signed the Cooperation Agreement and Supplementary Agreement for the Solid Waste Treatment and Municipal Waste Treatment Project . The design scale of the waste incineration power generation Project is 280,000 tons / year, which will be constructed by 2 stages, the design scale of Solid Waste Treatment Project is 100,000 tons / year.

                   The signing ceremony was presided by Yu Jianwu, Jiang Tao,Yang Yanbin,Ding Xuelong,and district finance bureau, district engineering bureau, district Persons in charge of relevant departments such as China Merchants Bureau, District Law Enforcement Bureau, District Environmental Protection Bureau. Ji Qinying, Zhang Bangzhi and Huang Xiaoming attended the signing ceremony. Ji Qinying, General Manager of Conch Ventures, signed a contract with Duan Shengrong, Deputy Secretary of Longyang District Party Committee and District People's Government.



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