

              Calcium Silicate Board/CCA Deep Processing Coating Technology and Equipment Technology Seminar
              發(fā)布時(shí)間:2013-09-30 來(lái)源:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)
              On Jul 4th, 2013, CCPA calcium silicate board and CCA deep processing coating technology and equipment technology seminar was held in Guangdong Shunde Boshuo coating technology company limited. 
               This seminar was sponsored by China association of concrete and cement products calcium silicate board branch. It is a new start of promoting new environmental protection, insulation board and environmental protection decoration board, also the platform for enterprises to communicate with each other. The representatives who attended the seminar realized: the extension of industrial chain is one of the new thoughts under the situation of domestic industrial structure adjustment. Enterprises which only produced single inorganic board before, now would probably extend their industrial chain into deep processing to produce terminal products. However, whether the enterprises which only produced terminal products before, would like to extend their industry upstream, we wait and see. 

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